The 4th edition of APCCC (Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference) lands in Lugano, in a hybrid format

22 April 2022  —  News  —  von Luca Grassi
From 28 to 30 April, experts and researchers from all over the world will gather at the Palazzo dei Congressi (and, alternatively, via streaming) to discuss and evaluate developments in the fight against advanced prostate cancer.

Through consensus, a more effective fight against cancer.

After being postponed for a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the largest international conference on the treatment of advanced prostate cancer is kicking off in Lugano. The conference aims to offer concrete help to oncologists and specialists in the difficult task of choosing among ever-increasing possibilities of pharmacological treatments and therapies that are effective but also expensive and potentially toxic or contraindicated.
To meet this need and find a global consensus, Prof. Dr. Med. Silke Gillessen, Medical and Scientific Director of the Oncological Institute of Italian Switzerland (IOSI) since 2020, as well as President of APCCC, together with PD Dr. Med Aurelius Omlin, Medical Oncologist, have created in 2015 this series of international conferences called APCCC, which have become an important biennial event in the global oncological research scenario.

This conference is being held in Lugano for the first time and is supported by the City of Lugano.

For more information, click here.

Credit: APCCC

Credit: APCCC